Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nicaragua Baby & Charlie Chaplin in Nicaragua

From Blue's trip to Nicaragua with the publisher Moses Hawk:

Did you ever kill any Contras? The question is problematic. I have seen a picture of Luis, young, looking like a handsome Guevara, in the campo with guns propped behind him, and hand to hand battle and explosives and landmines have been a reality for him for most of his lifetime, but here is what Luis answers:

"One night we were showing Chaplin to some villagers when word came that the Contras were coming into the valley, and I had to pack up the projector and the Chaplin and get out toward the riverbed to escape, and it was very close call, but me and Chaplin made it out."

What would the Contras have done with the Charlie Chaplin movies?

"Destroyed them!"

I shake my head. Why wasn't Reagan, that fabulous actor, on TV talking about how important it was to stop the villagers from watching Charlie Chaplin on a Saturday night? Could he have fooled his people with this mission, too?

Click on Seanie Blue's pic above, for a great story.

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