Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pushing Buttons in the Studio with Keny G

I told AishaBella about my concept for a parody of the famous song by the Pussycat Dolls called, "Buttons." She laughs at my concept and the following day calls me on the phone to sing me the song parody she has written overnight. Aisha is in her last year of high school, but two weeks with her has taught me a thing or two. Her rendition is excellent, and it really needs no changes or editing, but we end up making changes together because the music video that is already in my head requires some explanations. A few days later, we are filming the music video, even before going into the studio to sing the song. She has memorized the words, I haven't, so of course she is the lead Pussycat. Click on image for viddy.

On Friday night, we went into Keny's studio. We filmed our singing, we took pix. Aisha even pushed some of the Pro Tool engineering buttons while Keny laid down a few vocal tracks. I can't wait to edit this mo fo.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My BadTV partner is a F'in genius

Seanie Blue doesn't think his new website is ready to link to, but I do. Hope he won't mind my linky link.

He can do everything and anything he sets his mind to: poetry, fiction, prose, cinema, editorials; writes contracts like a lawyer, reports on anything -- even coal mining regulation. He takes amazing photographs and turn them into works of art; made poetic films with million dollar reviews (sans the million bux budget); can draw like Picasso but design for 21st century technology, can write great songs when he has never studied music, and even sings with feeling. He has motivated and inspired more people to follow their dreams than anyone else I know. My life would not be what it is without him. He is my brother, my best friend, my creative partner . . . in every aspect of what helps me make my life full.

One charismatic motherfucka, too.

But check out this little letter written to a friend about the drag of needing to read and the pain of wanting to write: Butterfly Ballet. This is the sort of essay he throws away without thinking twice about it. It makes me crazy! (crazier than usual ;-)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Family Trouble: I have to do more Britney

This video is a re-post of the re-tooled parody music video. Britney's record label had the original pulled after over 115,000 views. I take it as a compliment.

Homage to Hot For Words

I love Marina, the babe behind hotforwords (please subscribe!), and this means I have to imitate, if not blatantly rip her off, which means a new vid exists and I'm pushing it on you. All you have to do is click HERE to get my take on the study of noise.