Wednesday, August 29, 2007



I put this video up yesterday on my channel, hoping to profit from the misfortunes of the ditz from Carolina who thinks South Africa and The Iraq are locate somewhere near Alaska. No death threats yet.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

With Love from Iraq

Children often seem like old souls. This small movie from Iraq and Iran directed by Bahman Ghobadi taught me never to grow up in a War Zone;

Turtles Can Fly

This movie blew away the Berlin Film Festival. It will change the way you look at American war movies. Suddenly, "Saving Private Ryan" seems like nothing more than a grotesque study in rampant violence.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I like what Blue told me the other day on an impromptu trip to Lake Eerie, "There is an importance of recording and cataloging a sense of awe and singularity of an experience, isolated from habitual schedule and routine. Experience should be like a rainbow -- you are never quite prepared for its beauty. Always a surprise. " Blue of course, was talking about cataloging experience in your mind's eye, not about videotaping or photographing all of your experiences. This leads me to the question, does shooting an event diminish your personal experience of it? I believe it can and often does. But I do it in order to share and say something.
foto by Blue

Sunday, August 5, 2007


On the way to Broomes Island I asks Blue, "Why am I so impulsive?"
Blue tells me, "Boredom and intelligence.. a very bad combination."
I don't know about the intelligence part, but boredom is my navigator.

foto by Blue
If the rain brought me to your door, would you open it?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Quantumly Engaged With Love at a Distance

My pal Beto gets married today to a babe he conjured up from cyberspace who turns out to be more beautiful in the flesh than onscreen, and they make these gorgeous rings for today's wedding. His ring is on top, but usually hers is ;-) Designed by the couple with Linda Hesh and Eric Margry, the rings were actually engraved by hand by Eric Margry, who is one of the top hand engravers left in America. But here's the really cool part: Alberto gets a mathematical formula called "Quantum entanglement," cut into the inside of the ring, designed by mathematical photographer, Justin Mullins. This is Mr. Mullin's picture of the formula:

. . . and the formula is explained for geniuses at this link to the photographer Justin Mullins.

But what do I think? It's my blog.

Quantum entanglement, like action at a distance in physics, is the process through which two bodies influence each other with no known conduit. It is love at a distance, and Beto's love was more than 3,000 miles away. How can two people be so intimately connected in spirit without being able to touch or see the object of their affections? The formula itself cannot explain one of the deepest mysteries of the universe, love.

Is it possible to love at a distance- even before the first meeting? I know so. ..

ring designed by the betrothed duo, Eric Margry and Linda Hesh
engraving performed by Eric Margry
formula created by Justin Mullins