Saturday, July 21, 2007

Meeting Edward C. Smith

The gentleman knows the world before him. In an hour, you see American life differently. Edward C. Smith is a treasure, one of those rare human beings who alter your orbit and destiny in only a few minutes of an encounter. I filmed him with history teacher Mike Corey, with whom i am creating a show called "The Future of History" for the MemeChannel.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Exer- I mean- Exorcising Addictions

Addiction- everyone has them. The question is, should they be exercised, or exorcized. We are always running toward or away from addictions when not immersed in them. My pilot crashes.

I never met heroin, but the video on addiction I am working on will be dedicated to Peter who overcame it, K1tten who is fighting it, and Jenne who died from it.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

What the fuck does this duck want?

Imprinting is a way of being defined by nature, or is it nurture? Mother, Nature, brands us all -- Anew. But in this bird's case, nature could be simply a really hungry belly . . .